Involvement in Initiatives, External Evaluation

Involvement in Initiatives

We involve ourselves proactively in many different outside organizations and forums in the logistics industry relating to the environment and society. We are committed to contributing to a sustainable society.

  • Outside organizations and positions
    • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
      Ad Hoc Committee Member, Environmental Division, Transport System Subcommittee, Council of Transport Policy
    • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
      Member of SDGs Management /ESG Investment Study Group member
    • Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
      Member of Committee on Corporate Behavior, & SDGs Committee, Environmental Safety Committee, Special Committee for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction (Industrial and Regional Reconstruction Subcommittee)
    • Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation
      Vice chairman and member of Planning Division
    • Japan Association for Logistics and Transport
      Member of Logistics Environmental Action Committee and Subcommittee on Actions for Large-scale Facilities
    • Japan Trucking Association
      Member of Environmental Action Committee and Environmental Action Subcommittee
    • Tokyo Employers' Association
      Member of Environmental Committee
    • Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
      Committee member of Certification Test for Environmental Specialists
  • Participation in outside agency forums and others
    • Minato Eco-conscious Consortium
    • Shiodome Environmental Society
    • Council for Better Corporate Citizenship

External Evaluation

Stakeholders evaluated many different initiatives taken by the FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE Group.
(Period: April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019. The dates below refer to the publication dates of the press releases on our website or the dates the awards were received. Japanese Only)

June 27, 2018 Received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon from the Cabinet Office for having donated bloodmobiles to the Japanese Red Cross Society.
June 29, 2018 Received the Logistics Environment Special Award at the 19th Logistics Environment Awards due to recognized efforts in modal shifts.
July 5, 2018 Our eco-ship and modal shift project received the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Maritime Bureau Director-General’s Commendation from the Eco-ship Modal Shift Company Selection Committee.
September 1, 2018 Received Industrial Merits Commendation from the mayor of Iidemachi, Yamagata.
October 28, 2018 Won the Prime Minister's Prize at the 50th National Truck Driver Contest.
November 27, 2018 Received the Award for Best Company Working on Modal Shift at the 2018 Awards for Best Companies Working on Modal Shift.
February 20, 2019 Our CSR Report 2018 won the Award for Excellence at the 22nd Environmental Communication Awards.
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