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Standard Moving Service:Nippon Express
Standard Moving Service:Nippon Express

This is a comprehensive service for persons and families moving overseas. As part of the service, we pack all our customers’ household items, including furniture, chinaware, and other items.

6 Simple Steps!

Step 1. Planning and Pre-Move Survey

When you decide to return to your home country or move on from Japan to another foreign country, please get in touch with Nippon Express! After receiving your request, we will visit for an on-site survey of the requirements of your move. In this pre-move survey, we will

  • Estimate the number of boxes needed for your move
    • We will confirm with you whether your employer has a company allowance for moving and inform you whether we can stay within this budget.
  • Provide you with information on customs-clearance regulations in the country of your destination
    • We will explain whether there are bans or restrictions on certain items in the country of your destination.
  • Inform you of the documents that will be needed
    • We will explain what documents you must submit to customs when exporting items from Japan and documents to provide to customs to import your belongings into the country of your destination.
    • We will brief you on procedures for insuring your household goods.

Step 2. Cost Estimate

After completing our pre-move survey, we will prepare and send you a cost estimate. We will also inform you about any points that need special attention, including the

  • Cost estimate
  • Estimated volume and weight of belongings to be transported (Oceangoing freight costs are estimated on the basis of volume and airfreight costs on the basis of volume and weight.)
  • Services we will be providing

Step 3. Preparations

Please give us the dates when you would like to move. We will provide you with a day-by-day schedule for shipping your belongings, based on the number of items you will be taking with you.

We will also provide a list of things to do to prepare for your move up to the day of your departure, such as

  • Sorting your belongings
    • You will be asked to sort your belongings into four categories: What you will send by ship, goods to be transported by air, belongings you will carry with you, and items you will be leaving in Japan
  • Delivery of packaging containers and materials
    • When you have household valuables that you would like to pack yourself, we will provide the necessary packing cartons in advance.
  • Preparation of a list of items for insurance purposes
    • We will ask you to prepare a list of household articles to arrange for insurance coverage.

Step 4. The Day of the Move

  • Packing
    • Our trained staff will pack your belongings for you.
  • Preparation of packing lists
    • Our staff will prepare packing lists.
  • Arranging for facility protection
    • Our professional movers will make necessary arrangements with the supervisory staff of your apartment or condominium and make sure doors, elevators, etc., are properly protected from possible damage.

Step 5. Export customs clearance and shipping

  • Export customs clearance
    • Our agents will file the necessary documents for exporting your belongings with the customs authorities.
  • Loading aboard ship
    • We will prepare the best possible schedule for loading your household goods on ocean vessels and/or aircraft.

Step 6. Import customs clearance and delivery

  • You will be informed by our office or agency at your destination of the arrival of your goods.
  • Our agency will then arrange for customs clearance and delivery of your items to your residence at a pre-arranged time.
  • The items will be placed in your rooms according to your instructions.
  • Once you have unpacked all the boxes and settled into your new quarters, our agency will collect all used packing materials.