Basic operation of e-books

  • To turn a page

    Click on the edge of the page you wish to turn. (An icon will appear if you move your mouse over either edge of the page.)

    Turnable area varies depending on the book.

  • To zoom in on a page

    You can zoom in to or out of the page from the menu bar or by clicking the page.

    The level and area varies depending on the book.

  • To open a link

    Click where the link icon appears to jump to the linked destination.
  • Scrolling in zoom

    Drag the image you wish to scroll within zoom. Or drag the navigator (the red-framed area) that appears on the upper right of the screen you wish to scroll.
  • To apply a post-it

    Select the post-it color and click on the place where you wish to apply it.
  • To search for a keyword

    You can do an AND/OR search for keywords in the book.
  • Draw with pen

    Use the pen tool to draw lines freely on the page.

The following actions can be done by right clicking

Turn to the next pageReturn to the previous pageZoom in on the image Zoom out of the imagePrint out
