Implementation of Measures

1.Measures to Revitalize Shareholders' Meetings and Facilitate Voting【Updated】

Early Notification of General Meetings of Shareholders Notices of General Meetings of Shareholders are sent out 21 days prior to the meetings. And we also announce these notices electronically through TDnet and our company’s websites before sending these notices to shareholders 4 weeks before annual shareholder meetings.
Electronic Voting Facilities Our company has adopted an online voting system that enables investors to exercise their voting rights via the Internet, smartphone or cellular phone.
Measures Including Platform for Electronic Exercising of Voting Rights to Improve Voting by Institutional Investors Our company has introduced an Electronic Voting Platform called the Tosho Platform for institutional investors to vote electronically.
Provision of an English summary of the Convocation Notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders In the interest of creating an active shareholders' meeting and to facilitate voting, an English version of the convocation notice will be made available.
Others Both the English and Japanese versions will be posted on our company's web site.

2.IR Activities【Updated】

  Note Explanation in Person by Representative
Establishment and Announcement of Disclosure Policy Respecting the principles of the "Fair Disclosure Rules" set forth in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, our company has established and posted the disclosure policy on its website for the purpose of enriching communication, and maintaining and improving relationships of mutual trust, through timely and appropriate disclosure of fair and highly transparent information, as well as through dialogue with stakeholders including shareholders and investors.
Regular Meeting for Private Investors Our company participate in meetings held by securities firms at least once a year and report our company’s business operations and achievements to private investors.
(Our last participation in such a meeting was on March 15, 2019 in Osaka.)
Regular IR Meetings for Financial Analysts and Institutional Investors
  • Our company holds Results Meetings twice a year on the day of releasing the full-year and interim business results, and President and Representative Director explains the contents thereat and answers questions.
    (Actual results: October 31, 2018 for the interim results and April 26, 2019 for the full-year results)
  • At the time of releasing the business results for the first and third quarters, the staff in charge of IR explains the contents of the business results and answers questions in a teleconference.
    (Actual results: July 31, 2018 for the first quarter results and January 31, 2019 for the third quarter results)
  • The contents of and main questions and answers at the above quarterly Results Meetings are posted on our website.
  • A small meetings between analysts/institutional investors and the President were held on February 25 & 26, 2019.
  • IR Meetings between analysts/institutional investors and three Executive Vice Presidents, COO and Representative Directors were held on June 11, 2019 .
Regular IR Meetings for Overseas Investors
  • The President and Representative Director visits institutional investors in North America and Europe on a regular basis (once a year).
    (Actual results: North America from July 2 to 5, 2018 and from May 29 to June 3; and Europe from May 29 to June 1, 2018)
  • The Director in charge of IR visits institutional investors in Asia on a regular basis (once a year).
    (Actual results: From March 13 to 15, 2019)
  • The Director in charge of IR takes part in conferences sponsored by securities companies, whether in Japan or overseas, and conducts interviews with overseas investors on a regular basis.
Posting of IR Materials on Nippon Express Website Annual Report, Fact Book, Earnings Report, Earnings Presentation Materials, Main Questions and Answers at Earnings Presentations, Securities Report, Management Plan, Reports, IR Calendar, CSR Report, and Monthly Report are posted on our company's website.
Person or Division in Charge of IR The Investor Relations Promotion Group has been established within the Corporate Planning Division and the Director in charge of the Corporate Planning Division manages IR activities. -

3.Initiatives Relating to Respect for Shareholders' Positions【Updated】

Internal Guidelines for Respecting Shareholders' Positions Respect for each and every stakeholder forms an integral part of our corporate ideal, our corporate charter, and our guidelines for compliance.
Implementation of Environmental Protection Activities, CSR Activities, etc. Our company practices environmental management, establishing in the "Nippon Express Group Environmental Charter" a basic philosophy of the Nippon Express Group that the Group actively contributes to the environmental conservation by being aware of its social and public mission as a corporate as well as through practicing environmental management as a "good corporate citizen."
In fiscal 2017, we formulated two long-term targets, to "reduce CO2 emissions by 30% from the 2013 level by fiscal 2030" and to "reduce industrial waste per unit of sales by 1% annually through fiscal 2030."
We will engage in various initiatives, such as a "modal shift" from truck-dependent transport system to rail and sea transport system and the systematical introduction of eco-friendly facilities and vehicles. By achieving these long-term targets, we will actively contribute to the realization of sustainable societies.
We publish the "Nippon Express Group CSR Report" in order to report the Nippon Express Group's policies and activities concerning CSR to the stakeholders in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

The website of Nippon Express Group CSR Report (Environmental and Social Reports)

Establishment of Policy on Providing Information to Stakeholders Our Company has established a disclosure policy on its approach to timely and appropriate disclosure of fair and highly transparent information, and discloses information accordingly.

The disclosure policy is disclosed on our website.
(URL of the Global Site)

Other 【Initiatives for Promoting Diversity】
In order to promote diversity, our company clearly sets the goal, the necessity and the determination to promote it strongly throughout our company. Members of our senior management, including the CEO and branch managers, have established their commitment to diversity.
The goal of our company’s diversity promotion is to create a company where each employee can feel that our company provides a great place to work by achieving “growth as a genuine global logistics company” and “employee self-realization.” In order to promote our plan appropriately, we have established a diversity promotion master plan for steady implementation of the four cycles of change, i.e. changes in awareness, workplace climate, working conditions and behavior. We are striving to achieve this with an innovative work style, which is listed in our management plan.
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