FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' International Airfreight Forwarding Results

  • FY 2019
  • FY 2018
  • FY 2017
  • FY 2016
  • FY 2015

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2019 (a) FY 2018 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 19,825 28,301 70.1%
May 17,189 27,747 61.9%
Jun 17,577 30,130 58.3%
Jul 17,043 26,365 64.6%
Aug 16,043 26,921 59.6%
Sep 16,212 26,942 60.2%
Oct 17,967 31,127 57.7%
Nov 17,972 29,148 61.7%
Dec 17,310 26,678 64.9%
Jan 15,046 21,776 69.1%
Feb 16,792 20,583 81.6%
Mar 15,532 21,090 73.6%
Total 204,508 316,808 64.6%

Figures are rounded off to unit.

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : no of transactions

  FY 2019 (a) FY 2018 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 39,273 40,601 96.7%
May 39,491 40,590 97.3%
Jun 35,751 38,980 91.7%
Jul 43,440 43,519 99.8%
Aug 36,850 39,316 93.7%
Sep 40,369 35,790 112.8%
Oct 40,913 46,391 88.2%
Nov 38,476 42,052 91.5%
Dec 36,244 39,966 90.7%
Jan 35,483 39,396 90.1%
Feb 33,096 35,548 93.1%
Mar 40,716 42,101 96.7%
Total 460,102 484,250 95.0%

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2018 (a) FY 2017 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 28,301 21,887 129.3%
May 27,747 21,458 129.3%
Jun 30,130 22,378 134.6%
Jul 26,365 20,656 127.6%
Aug 26,921 20,148 133.6%
Sep 26,942 23,258 115.8%
Oct 31,127 23,313 133.5%
Nov 29,148 24,086 121.0%
Dec 26,678 25,318 105.4%
Jan 21,776 23,079 94.4%
Feb 20,583 26,099 78.9%
Mar 21,090 32,525 64.8%
Total 316,808 284,205 111.5%

Figures are rounded off to unit.

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : no of transactions

  FY 2018 (a) FY 2017 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 40,601 39,728 102.2%
May 40,590 38,554 105.3%
Jun 38,980 38,959 100.1%
Jul 43,519 42,152 103.2%
Aug 39,316 37,859 103.8%
Sep 35,790 38,314 93.4%
Oct 46,391 41,563 111.6%
Nov 42,052 40,582 103.6%
Dec 39,966 38,715 103.2%
Jan 39,396 38,674 101.9%
Feb 35,548 34,992 101.6%
Mar 42,101 44,119 95.4%
Total 484,250 474,211 102.1%

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2017 (a) FY 2016 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 21,887 17,799 123.0%
May 21,458 15,073 142.4%
Jun 22,378 16,864 132.7%
Jul 20,656 16,574 124.6%
Aug 20,148 16,689 120.7%
Sep 23,258 19,302 120.5%
Oct 23,313 20,006 116.5%
Nov 24,086 20,157 119.5%
Dec 25,318 20,343 124.5%
Jan 23,079 17,071 135.2%
Feb 26,099 19,180 136.1%
Mar 32,525 21,595 150.6%
Total 284,205 220,653 128.8%

Figures are rounded off to unit.

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : no of transactions

  FY 2017 (a) FY 2016 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 39,728 38,921 102.1%
May 38,554 36,839 104.7%
Jun 38,959 38,199 102.0%
Jul 42,152 38,678 109.0%
Aug 37,859 37,712 100.4%
Sep 38,314 38,331 100.0%
Oct 41,563 40,503 102.6%
Nov 40,582 39,094 103.8%
Dec 38,715 38,148 101.5%
Jan 38,674 38,152 101.4%
Feb 34,992 36,420 96.1%
Mar 44,119 44,235 99.7%
Total 474,211 465,232 101.9%

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2016 (a) FY 2015 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 17,799 16,328 109.0%
May 15,073 14,457 104.3%
Jun 16,864 17,010 99.1%
Jul 16,574 17,057 97.2%
Aug 16,689 15,338 108.8%
Sep 19,302 16,148 119.5%
Oct 20,006 17,778 112.5%
Nov 20,157 15,863 127.1%
Dec 20,343 15,619 130.2%
Jan 17,071 15,112 113.0%
Feb 19,180 15,430 124.3%
Mar 21,595 17,927 120.5%
Total 220,653 194,067 113.7%

Figures are rounded off to unit.

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : no of transactions

  FY 2016 (a) FY 2015 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 38,921 40,812 95.4%
May 36,839 36,454 101.1%
Jun 38,199 41,314 92.5%
Jul 38,678 42,216 91.6%
Aug 37,712 38,334 98.4%
Sep 38,331 38,561 99.4%
Oct 40,503 40,512 100.0%
Nov 39,094 40,716 96.0%
Dec 38,148 37,533 101.6%
Jan 38,152 36,756 103.8%
Feb 36,420 37,594 96.9%
Mar 44,235 44,304 99.8%
Total 465,232 475,106 97.9%

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2015 (a) FY 2014 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 16,328 15,667 104.2%
May 14,457 14,856 97.3%
Jun 17,010 15,393 110.5%
Jul 17,057 16,334 104.4%
Aug 15,338 15,826 96.9%
Sep 16,148 17,164 94.1%
Oct 17,778 17,227 103.2%
Nov 15,863 16,857 94.1%
Dec 15,619 18,251 85.6%
Jan 15,112 16,384 92.2%
Feb 15,430 25,356 60.9%
Mar 17,927 26,750 67.0%
Total 194,067 216,065 89.8%

Figures are rounded off to unit.

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : no of transactions

  FY 2015 (a) FY 2014 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 40,812 39,770 102.6%
May 36,454 38,714 94.2%
Jun 41,314 41,511 99.5%
Jul 42,216 42,087 100.3%
Aug 38,334 37,108 103.3%
Sep 38,561 41,961 91.9%
Oct 40,512 41,756 97.0%
Nov 40,716 40,859 99.7%
Dec 37,533 39,509 95.0%
Jan 36,756 38,576 95.3%
Feb 37,594 36,349 103.4%
Mar 44,304 45,778 96.8%
Total 475,106 483,978 98.2%
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