Nippon Express' International Airfreight Forwarding Results (Archives)

FY 2014

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as Nippon Express' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2014 (a) FY 2013 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 15,667 15,250 102.7%
May 14,856 16,224 91.6%
Jun 15,393 15,382 100.1%
Jul 16,334 14,580 112.0%
Aug 15,826 14,218 111.3%
Sep 17,164 15,061 114.0%
Oct 17,227 16,387 105.1%
Nov 16,857 16,205 104.0%
Dec 18,251 16,014 114.0%
Jan 16,384 14,352 114.2%
Feb 25,356 15,659 161.9%
Mar 26,750 16,679 160.4%
Total 216,065 186,011 116.2%

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of Nippon Express' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : tons

  FY 2014 (a) FY 2013 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 39,770 40,971 97.1%
May 38,714 39,355 98.4%
Jun 41,511 38,135 108.9%
Jul 42,087 43,291 97.2%
Aug 37,108 37,741 98.3%
Sep 41,961 41,275 101.7%
Oct 41,756 42,539 98.2%
Nov 40,859 41,021 99.6%
Dec 39,509 39,474 100.1%
Jan 38,576 38,765 99.5%
Feb 36,349 36,220 100.4%
Mar 45,778 46,839 97.7%
Total 483,978 485,626 99.7%

FY 2013

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as Nippon Express' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2013 (a) FY 2012 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 15,250 17,785 85.7%
May 16,224 17,303 93.8%
Jun 15,382 17,468 88.1%
Jul 14,580 15,881 91.8%
Aug 14,218 16,917 84.0%
Sep 15,061 17,837 84.4%
Oct 16,387 16,961 96.6%
Nov 16,205 16,433 98.6%
Dec 16,014 17,004 94.2%
Jan 14,352 13,516 106.2%
Feb 15,659 12,427 126.0%
Mar 16,679 15,806 105.5%
Total 186,011 195,338 95.2%

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of Nippon Express' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : tons

  FY 2013 (a) FY 2012 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 40,971 40,227 101.8%
May 39,355 42,367 92.9%
Jun 38,135 41,987 90.8%
Jul 43,291 44,817 96.6%
Aug 37,741 40,789 92.5%
Sep 41,275 40,714 101.4%
Oct 42,539 44,341 95.9%
Nov 41,021 40,357 101.6%
Dec 39,474 38,331 103.0%
Jan 38,765 37,974 102.1%
Feb 36,220 35,860 101.0%
Mar 46,839 43,528 107.6%
Total 485,626 491,292 98.8%

FY 2012

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as Nippon Express' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2012 (a) FY 2011 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 17,785 20,846 85.3%
May 17,303 18,988 91.1%
Jun 17,468 20,157 86.7%
Jul 15,881 18,126 87.6%
Aug 16,917 15,649 108.1%
Sep 17,837 17,887 99.7%
Oct 16,961 18,542 91.5%
Nov 16,433 17,981 91.4%
Dec 17,004 18,893 90.0%
Jan 13,516 15,702 86.1%
Feb 12,427 17,697 70.2%
Mar 15,806 20,363 77.6%
Total 195,338 220,831 88.5%

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of Nippon Express' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : tons

  FY 2012 (a) FY 2011 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 40,227 37,849 106.3%
May 42,367 38,672 109.6%
Jun 41,987 39,308 106.8%
Jul 44,817 39,650 113.0%
Aug 40,789 40,440 100.9%
Sep 40,714 39,492 103.1%
Oct 44,341 41,320 107.3%
Nov 40,357 40,059 100.7%
Dec 38,331 39,837 96.2%
Jan 37,974 36,050 105.3%
Feb 35,860 41,244 86.9%
Mar 43,528 44,258 98.4%
Total 491,292 478,179 102.7%

FY 2011

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as Nippon Express' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2011 (a) FY 2010 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 20,846 20,003 104.2%
May 18,988 19,055 99.6%
Jun 20,157 20,050 100.5%
Jul 18,126 19,152 94.6%
Aug 15,649 18,004 86.9%
Sep 17,887 21,843 81.9%
Oct 18,542 21,358 86.8%
Nov 17,981 20,713 86.8%
Dec 18,893 21,818 86.6%
Jan 15,702 19,811 79.3%
Feb 17,697 19,081 92.7%
Mar 20,363 20,870 97.6%
Total 220,831 241,758 91.3%

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of Nippon Express' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : tons

  FY 2011 (a) FY 2010 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 37,849 43,195 87.6%
May 38,672 42,195 91.6%
Jun 39,308 43,607 90.1%
Jul 39,650 44,165 89.8%
Aug 40,440 42,885 94.3%
Sep 39,492 43,026 91.8%
Oct 41,320 43,652 94.7%
Nov 40,059 44,791 89.4%
Dec 39,837 41,265 96.5%
Jan 36,050 39,493 91.3%
Feb 41,244 37,120 111.1%
Mar 44,258 43,446 101.9%
Total 478,179 508,840 94.0%

FY 2010

Air Export from Japan (Monthly results by weight handled as Nippon Express' consolidated air cargo)

Unit : tons

  FY 2010 (a) FY 2009 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 20,003 12,587 158.9%
May 19,055 12,850 148.3%
Jun 20,050 14,597 137.4%
Jul 19,152 15,926 120.3%
Aug 18,004 15,777 114.1%
Sep 21,843 19,042 114.7%
Oct 21,358 20,579 103.8%
Nov 20,713 17,975 115.2%
Dec 21,818 17,677 123.4%
Jan 19,811 16,671 118.8%
Feb 19,081 16,736 114.0%
Mar 20,870 20,055 104.1%
Total 241,758 200,472 120.6%

Air Import to Japan (Monthly results of Nippon Express' customs brokerage for aircargo arriving in Japan)

Unit : tons

  FY 2010 (a) FY 2009 (b) YoY (a/b)
Apr 43,195 38,768 111.4%
May 42,195 35,742 118.1%
Jun 43,607 42,204 103.3%
Jul 44,165 42,448 104.0%
Aug 42,885 39,182 109.5%
Sep 43,026 41,142 104.6%
Oct 43,652 42,625 102.4%
Nov 44,791 44,006 101.8%
Dec 41,265 40,830 101.1%
Jan 39,493 38,540 102.5%
Feb 37,120 39,520 93.9%
Mar 43,446 51,443 84.4%
Total 508,840 496,450 102.5%
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