Reducing Waste and Advancing the 3Rs

Through methodical separation of waste generated in all business locations, FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE is able to promote proper waste processing and recycling. We also continue to implement green purchasing as well as electricity and water conservation.

Advancing the 3Rs

The 3Rs is a principle for efforts to build a recycling-based society. It stands for "reducing" the volume of wastes generated, "reusing" materials whenever possible and "recycling" used products as resources. At FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE we do our best to reduce waste from all business locations as well as sort paper and other waste generated in our offices for easy recycling.

Promoting the 3Rs by recycling packing materials

Although returnable packing materials can be used in our Ecologicompo and other moving services in Japan, overseas moves involving much longer distances make it necessary to use conventional packing materials to ensure the more robust protection of cargo.

Thus, the FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE Group carefully separates materials generated from overseas moves, and materials that were previously disposed of as "garbage" are processed for reuse. One such material we reuse is Ecopuchi, our bubble-pack cushioning.

The FLY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE Group will continue to expand its 3Rs initiative, which pledges to "reduce" generated waste, "reuse" waste as much as possible, and "recycle" waste, forming renewed resources to the best of our abilities.

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